Education and Scholarships News

OPEN DAY: AMERICAN DRY CLEANERS: Wednesday, 7th February 2024

American Dry Cleaners made available their facilities to the Worshipful Company of Launderers for a most successful and interesting tour on Wednesday, 7th February 2024.

2024-02-13T12:22:16+00:0013th February, 2024|Education and Scholarships News, Home, News|

Newsletter Benevolence Education February 2023

The aims for the Livery Company is charitable giving and educational initiatives and this is the responsibility of the Benevolence and Education Committees, who meet on a regular basis to consider the many applications received and plan forthcoming educational initiatives, lectures and seminars. We have great pleasure in circulating this Newsletter and informing you of the typical donations and activities the Company has made on your behalf over the year or so and thank you for your continued support.

2023-03-07T13:54:55+00:007th March, 2023|Education and Scholarships News, Home, News|

“The Future of Energy in the UK” Seminar Presentations

The Education Committee organised an all-day Seminar on the topic “The Future of Energy in the UK” at Glaziers’ Hall, with six eminent speakers sharing their views on both the provision of energy for the country, decision makers and business owners and what alternative [...]

2023-03-13T12:09:33+00:001st March, 2023|Education and Scholarships News, Home, News|


Travelling Scholarship 2023 – Graham Roberts Tech IOSH Firstly, thanks must go to the Worshipful Company of Launderers, for giving me this opportunity and allowing me to enhance my knowledge and make some invaluable contacts within our industry. The week started by arriving at [...]

2023-02-14T16:43:44+00:0014th February, 2023|Education and Scholarships News, Home, Master's Blog, News|


Guy Turvill hosted the Open Day sharing the Swiss journey from 1904, when then business was formed in Cambridge to support the University Colleges and the Domestic market. In 2004 Swiss acquired Camplings in Great Yarmouth and both businesses have grown steadily since then, [...]

2022-02-16T20:08:24+00:0016th February, 2022|Education and Scholarships News, Home, Master's Blog|
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