About Clerk Launderers

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So far Clerk Launderers has created 131 blog entries.


On Monday, 1st July, in the presence of The Very Reverend Andrew Nunn, Charlie Betteridge was elected Master of the Worshipful Company of Launderers.  Charlie is the Company's 64th Master. Following the Election Court, .the Ceremony of Installation took place  in the Court Room.  The [...]

2024-07-15T10:24:49+01:003rd July, 2024|Home, News|

ANNUAL BANQUET: 31st May 2024

Master and Wardens welcomed their fellow Liverymen together with family and friends to the historic and beautiful Tallow Chandlers' Hall on Friday, 31st May for the Launderers' Annual Banquet. The guest speaker, Dr Mark Oakley, Dean of Southwark, delivered a thoughtful and personal speech to [...]

2024-06-09T11:38:03+01:009th June, 2024|Home, Master's Blog, News|

OPEN DAY: AMERICAN DRY CLEANERS: Wednesday, 7th February 2024

American Dry Cleaners made available their facilities to the Worshipful Company of Launderers for a most successful and interesting tour on Wednesday, 7th February 2024.

2024-02-13T12:22:16+00:0013th February, 2024|Education and Scholarships News, Home, News|

MASTER’S BLOG: October – December 2023

October 2023:  Master and Wardens committee meeting was the first event of October. After the meeting I was delighted welcome Graham Roberts as our newest Freeman. Graham is involved in running the Laundry for an NHS TRUST and is a graduate of the TSA [...]

2024-08-08T20:24:11+01:0023rd January, 2024|Home, Master's Blog, News|

IN MEMORIAM: Past Master Dennis Hargreaves: 1937 – 2023

Dennis was born and grew up in Rochdale.  Following education at Chadderton Grammar he joined the Police Cadets in 1952 and shortly after met Doreen marrying a few years later.  Dennis and Doreen had four children.   In 1956 Dennis left the Police Force to [...]

2024-01-12T21:07:22+00:0012th January, 2024|Home, News|
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